Friday, January 21, 2011

New Blog!

After much confusion, frustration, and wasted time trying to make this quilting hobby a part of this blog, I've moved my Sweet Petal Stitchery "page" to its own blog. (there really was a page attached to my blog)  Found on blogger by its own name, Sweet Petal Stitchery came about because of my need to be quilting something, and the ease of putting together quilts for babies/toddlers just seemed to follow.

Made mostly for my children and their babies, these baby quilts are also for sale. (currently one is available - others need to be ordered) 

I'm hoping to build a supply both of my own designs and already printed designs. You'll want to check in now and then to catch the latest accomplishment! If you visit, leave me a comment, even if its just "hi, I was here!"

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